english description below the german text

Houdini‘s Suitcase
(Pickled Image)

Visuelles Theater für Zuschauer ab 12

Verrückte Figuren und geniale Objekte, exquisite Lichtregie und eine toller Soundtrack begleiten eine schwarzhumorige Story, die mit einem Minimum an Sprache auskommt. Als Mischung von Live-Performance. Masken- und Figurentheater ist "Houdini‘s Suitcase" ein visuelles und poetisches Vergnügen.

In einer verlassenen Eisenbahnstation sitzt ein alter Mann auf einem Berg von Gepäckstücken, wartet und erinnert sich. Es ist Joshka Malouth, einst Schüler des großen Houdini. Die alten, abgenutzen Koffer um ihn herum enthalten Fragmente seiner außergewöhnlichen Vergangenheit. Indem er einen nach dem anderen öffnet, entsteht ein makabrer Karneval seltsam-schöner Charaktere, die sein Leben erzählen.
Wenn der Geruch von Mottenkugeln die Luft erfüllt, verschwimmen und wechseln die Erinnerungen unseres Helden wie Staub im Wind … ein Märchen von Liebe und Verlust, Nächten im Zirkus, schlammigen Gräben im 1. Weltkrieg.

"Houdini‘s Suitcase ist eine außergewöhnliche Inszenierung. Die Kombination von Menschen und Puppen ist spannend, gut abgestimmt und wundervoll fließend" (Lofotposten, Norway - May 2nd 2006)
"Es ist, als wird man auf eine Reise mitgenommen, Ich bin fix und fertig, aber es ist phantastisch eine solche Show zu erleben … die beste Show, die ich je gesehen habe" (Kjersti Jakobsen, Theaterbesucher - Premiere von Houdini‘s Suitcase - 28. April 2006)

Inside Houdini's Suitcase memories blur and change like dust in a breeze, a macabre carnival of strangely beautiful characters begins …
On top of a towering pile of luggage an old man waits and remembers.
Mixing live performance, mask and puppetry Houdini's Suitcase is a visually rich and poetic treat for audiences over the age of 12.
This show has been specially commissioned by the Norland Visual Theatre, Stamsund, Norway.
'Houdini's Suitcase is an exceptionally accomplished performance. The combination of people and puppets is exciting, well attuned and wonderfully fluent…'
Lofotposten, Norway - May 2nd 2006
'It’s like being taken out on a journey, and I’m exhausted, but it is fantastic to experience a show like this…the best show I have ever seen' Kjersti Jakobsen, audience member - Premier of Houdini's Suitcase - April 28th 2006

Houdini’s Suitcase is the brand new adult puppetry show from internationally acclaimed Bristol-based company, Pickled Image. Commissioned and co-produced by Nordland Visual Theatre in Norway; Houdini’s Suitcase has played to sell-out audiences across Scandinavia and Brazil as part of its international tour, and won the People’s Jury Prize at Belo Horizonte Puppet festival this summer.
On top of a towering pile of luggage in a deserted railway station an old man waits and remembers. He is Joshka Malouth, one time apprentice to the great Houdini. The battered suitcases that surround him contain fragments of his extraordinary past. As he opens his bags one by one, a macabre carnival of strange and beautiful characters emerge to tell his story. As the smell of mothballs pervades the air, our hero’s memories blur and change like dust in a breeze… A tale of love and loss, nights at the circus and the mud-soaked trenches of the First World War.

Houdini's Suitcase is a beautiful piece of highly visual theatre that fuses live performance, puppetry, and an original soundtrack. Unique, poignant and darkly humorous, this is a sensory feast that will appeal to audiences 12+.

Houdini’s Suitcase Creative Team
Vicky Andrews & Dik Downey: concept / puppet makers / set designers / performers
Emma Lloyd: director
Simon Preston: composer / sound designer
Onela Keal: technician / publicity designer
Marianne Thallaug: Wedset lighting design
Marc Parrett: engineer of puppet mechanisms
Max Humphries: set magic
Maja Nygren & Ragnhild Lie: costume

Pickled Image is a Bristol based puppet company who have been creating and performing with puppets since the company’s formation in 2000. As well as producing their own international studio theatre and street-theatre productions (Bernard’s Puppet Bonanza and The Marvellous Box of Peeps and Delights are currently touring internationally); the company’s bold and imitable puppet design has led them to undertake commissions from BBC, Garsington Opera, Green Ginger and The Wright Stuff Theatre of Puppets amongst others. Pickled Image are involved in all aspects of puppet making from concept and character drawings to construction. The company’s are soon to begin work on a high-profile international collaboration with French Marionette company, Delit de Façade for 2008.

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